10 foods that work against inflammation in the body

Frequent inflammation can be the cause of a wide variety of diseases. These foods can help – the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods.

Inflammation is our body’s natural response to harmful stimuli. In the worst case, however, they can become chronic and even trigger cardiovascular diseases, strokes, heart attacks, or cancer. Fortunately, certain foods have anti-inflammatory effects and thus help our body to avoid or at least reduce inflammation.

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10 foods that help reduce inflammation in the body

1. onion

Onions contain sulfur compounds, also called sulfides. The two compounds allicin and quercetin provide the typical onion taste (and smell!) And have an antibiotic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, onions are rich in vitamins A and C as well as magnesium and thus support the cells and our immune system.

2. Knoblauch

Garlic also contains the sulfur compounds allicin and quercetin. They not only give the food its intensely spicy taste but also do something for our health. Like onions, garlic is an anti-inflammatory food. Incidentally, it can best support our body raw and thus develop its full effect.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is not only one of the hottest spices right now – the tuber is also an absolute superfood. The coloring agent curcumin, which provides the typical color of curry, is a strong helper in the fight against inflammation. Curcumin strengthens the cell membrane and thus provides more resistance to diseases such as diabetes, gastritis, osteoarthritis or even cancer. In addition, turmeric can come up with essential oils that also protect against inflammation.

4. Ginger

Ginger is closely related to the turmeric plant and is similarly beneficial for our health. It owes these properties above all to the gingerols – responsible for the sharp taste. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Paired with vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, ginger gives our immune system a good boost.

5. Lemon

Speaking of vitamin C: Lemon is one of the foods with a particularly high amount of vitamins. In this way, it protects our cells and can especially help with chronic inflammation. A tip: Vitamin C is not heat-resistant. So you should rather enjoy it cold than in a heated form as tea.

6. Pineapple

Pineapple is also one of the foods that protect the body from inflammation. Thanks to the ingredient bromelain. The enzyme is also widely used in anti-inflammatory drugs. It is best to enjoy pineapples fresh, as the bromelain will break down if stored for a long time.

7. Spinach

Leafy green vegetables have some beneficial properties on our health. Many are due to chlorophyll, the green pigment. The chlorophyll helps the liver in its function to remove inflammatory heavy metals and environmental toxins. In addition to this anti-inflammatory effect, spinach also contains a lot of vitamin C, iron, and calcium – and thus has a positive effect on our immune system.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli has anti-inflammatory effects due to the phytochemicals mustard oil glycoside. In addition, vegetables have a positive effect on sugar metabolism – and can therefore even prevent diabetes. Vitamins B, C, E and K and so-called glucosinolates also lower the risk of certain types of cancer.

9. Berries

Antioxidants are berries’ miracle weapon – raspberries and blueberries in particular are rich in the substances that protect us from free radicals. In this way, the delicious berries can protect us from the inflammation that fuels the free radicals and ensure that our cells do not age prematurely. The berries owe their red-violet color to anthocyanins, a group of secondary plant substances that also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

10. Salmon, Linseed Oil & Walnuts

Last but not least, omega-3 fatty acids are very good anti-inflammatory agents. Fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, are particularly rich in them. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have the greatest effect here. Those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can switch to linseed oil or walnuts as a vegetable source. Both contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), from which our body can produce EPA and DHA itself.

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